New Web Site Launched to Raise Funds for Preservation, Education and Enjoyment of History
Released on = June 15, 2006, 2:55 am
Press Release Author = Evan J. Andriopoulos
Industry = Advertising
Press Release Summary = The web site has been launched to raise needed funds for the preservation, education and enjoyment of history with the goal being to raise $1,000,000.00 within 12 months.
Press Release Body = Tampa, FL -
The web site has been launched to raise needed funds for the preservation, education and enjoyment of history with the goal being to raise $1,000,000.00 within 12 months. This initiative undertaken by will expand efforts to educate the public about the need for donations to preserve historic places, buildings and offer support to all groups working to make history more enjoyable by offering 1 pixel of web space per each dollar donated to support the mission of
\"As a student of history I recognized the need to preserve & support \'history\' and the organizations that support preservation and education including those re-enactment events & festivals that work hard at not only recreating historical events but to make \'all things\' history more enjoyable for the general public and most importantly our children,\" said Evan J. Andriopoulos, Founder of One Million Dollars For History Dot Com. \"I grew tired of watching \'all things historic\' suffer under the lack of funding and after reading of a number of schools that had to cancel field trips due to budgetary cuts I decided it was time to act,\" said an enthusiastic Andriopoulos.
\"I firmly believe that our mission designed after the now famous \'million dollar home page\' will instead go toward a cause that is near and dear to my heart...history and it\'s preservation, education and enjoyment\" -followed Andriopoulos. \"why not do something with the money that will benefit our history and future generations,\" said history buff Andriopoulos. offers the corporate donor a niche marketing opportunity and the private donor the opportunity to show their support for the mission of all supported by press & media coverage. We will approach major corporations and private individuals to support our mission via print and electronic mediums. Instead of the direct sale of pixels of for fees, each donor will receive an equal trade of one pixel per dollar where they can place their logo-link, message or picture within that appropriate size. These will appear on the main page and will eventually overtake all the current text, tabs and information on the site so that 1,000,000 pixels will cover the webpage.
\"With this in mind we look to act in a much faster manner in our distribution of funds and we ask all organizations, educational institutions, groups, societies and more that are working to support the education, preservation and enjoyment of history to apply for funding,\" said Andriopoulos. \"After myself having read of the cuts in budgets, loss of interest in history studies among our children and the process of applying for emergency funding I decided it is time to streamline this process with a 30 day response to those applicants once we have reached $1,000,000.00.\"
The One Million Dollars For History Dot Com program is a result of a year long process that included an examination of its current funding options, consultation with experts in the field of historic preservation fund raising, and testing of various approach techniques with existing and potential donors.
Please see: for more information on how you can help.
Web Site =
Contact Details = 729 countryshire lane palm harbor, fl. 34683 USA tel.7273665406
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